Surface Multivariate Tensor-Based Morphometry

Studying Ventricular Abnormalities in Mild Cognitive Impairment with Hyperbolic Ricci Flow and Tensor-based Morphometry

Studying Ventricular Abnormalities in Mild Cognitive Impairment with Hyperbolic Ricci Flow and Tensor-based Morphometry

Shi J, Stonnington CM, Thompson PM, Chen K, Gutman B, Reschke C, Baxter LC, Reiman EM, Caselli RJ, Wang Y

[NeuroImage 15]

Applying Tensor-based Morphometry to Parametric Surfaces can Improve MRI-based Disease Diagnosis

Applying Tensor-based Morphometry to Parametric Surfaces can Improve MRI-based Disease Diagnosis

Wang, Y., Yuan, L., Shi, J., Greve, A., Ye, J., Toga, A. W., Reiss A. L., Thompson, P. M.

[MICCAI 09(Oral)], [NeuroImage 13]

Surface-based TBM Boosts Power to Detect Disease Effects on the Brain: An N=804 ADNI Study 

Surface-based TBM Boosts Power to Detect Disease Effects on the Brain: An N=804 ADNI Study 

Wang, Y, Song Y, Rajagopalan P, An T, Liu K, Chou Y, Gutman B, Toga AW, Thompson PM

[OHBM 11(Oral)], [NeuroImage 11]

Multivariate Tensor-based Morphometry on Surfaces: Application to Mapping Ventricular Abnormalities in HIV/AIDS 

Multivariate Tensor-based Morphometry on Surfaces: Application to Mapping Ventricular Abnormalities in HIV/AIDS 

Wang, Y, Zhang, J, Gutman, B, Chan, TF, Becker, JT, Aizenstein, HJ, Lopez, OL, Tamburo, RJ, Toga AW, Thompson, PM

[MICCAI 09(Oral)], [NeuroImage 10]