Journal Papers

  1. Waz S, Wang Y, Lu, Z-L, qPRF: A system to accelerate population receptive field modeling, NeuroImage, 2025
  2. Dong Q, Sheng Y, Zhu J, Li Z, Liu W, Liu J, Wang Y, Hu B, Schizophrenia Detection Based on Morphometry of Hippocampus and Amygdala, IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics, 2024
  3. Dong Q, Sheng Y, Zhu J, Liu H, Li Z, Liu Y, Wang Y, Hu B, MRI-Driven Longitudinal Studies of Hippocampal Alterations During the Initial Cognitive Decline, IEEE Journal of Translational Engineering in Health and Medicine, 2024
  4. Qian B, Sheng B, Chen H, Wang X, Li T, Jin Y, Guan Z, Jiang Z, Wu Y, Wang J, Chen T, Guo Z, Chen X, Yang D, Hou J, Feng R, Xiao F, Li Y, El Habib Daho M, Lu L, Ding Y, Liu D, Yang B, Zhu W, Wang Y, Kim H, Nam H, Li H, Wu WC, Wu Q, Dai R, Li H, Ang M, Ting DSW, Cheung CY, Wang X, Cheng CY, Tan GSW, Ohno-Matsui K, Jonas JB, Zheng Y, Tham YC, Wong TY, Wang YX. A Competition for the Diagnosis of Myopic Maculopathy by Artificial Intelligence Algorithms. JAMA Ophthalmol. 2024  [ASU News]
  5. Dumitrascu OM, Li X, Zhu W, Woodruff BK, Nikolova S, Sobczak J, Youssel A, Saxena S, Andreev J, Caselli RJ, Chen JJ, Wang Y, Color Fundus Photography and Self-Supervised Deep Learning Application in Alzheimer’s Disease, Mayo Clinic Proceedings: Digital Health, 2024
  6. Likassa HT, Chen D-T, Chen K, Wang Y, Zhu W, Robust PCA with Lw, and L2,1 Norms: New Method for Low-Quality Retinal Image Enhancement, Journal of Imaging, 2024
  7. Gajawelli N, Paulli A, Deoni S, Paquette N, Salazar C, Dean D, O’Muircheartaigh J, Nelson MD, Wang Y, Lepore N, Surface based morphometry of the corpus callosum in young children of ages 1-5, Human Brain Mapping, 2024
  8. Chen Y, Su Y, Wu J, Chen K, Atri A, Caselli RJ, Reiman EM, Wang Y, Combining Blood-Based Biomarkers and Structural MRI Measurements to Distinguish Persons With and Without Significant Amyloid Plaques, Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease, 2024
  9. Tu Y, Li X, Lu Z-L, Wang Y, Adaptive Smoothing of Retinotopic Maps Based on Teichmüller Parametrization, Medical Image Analysis, 2024
  10. Tang H, Ma G, Zhang Y, Ye K, Guo L, Liu G, Huang Q, Wang Y, Ajilore O, Leow AD, Thompson PM, Huang H, Zhan L, A Comprehensive Survey of Complex Brain Network Representation, Meta-Radiology, 2023
  11. Dong Q, Li Z, Liu W, Chen K, Su Y, Wu J, Caselli RJ, Reiman EM, Wang Y, Shen J, Correlation studies of Hippocampal Morphometry and Plasma NFL Levels in Cognitively Unimpaired Subjects, IEEE Transactions on Computational Social Systems, 2023
  12. Fu Y, Huang Y, Zhang Z, Dong S, Xue L, Niu M, Li Y, Shi Z, Wang Y, Zhang H, Tian M, Zhuo C, OTFPF: Optimal Transport Based Feature Pyramid Fusion Network for Brain Age Estimation, Information Fusion, 2023
  13. Wu J, Su Y, Chen Y, Zhu W, Reiman EM, Caselli RJ, Chen K, Thompson PM, Wang J, Wang Y, A Surface-Based Federated Chow Test Model for Integrating APOE Status, Tau Deposition Measure, and Hippocampal Surface Morphometry, Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease, 2023
  14. Zheng W, Liu H, Li Z, Li K, Wang Y, Hu B, Dong Q, Wang Z, Classification of Alzheimer’s Disease Based on Hippocampal Multivariate Morphometry Statistics, CNS Neuroscience & Therapeutics, 2023
  15. Ta D*, Jalili Mallak N*, Lu Z-L, Wang Y, Protocol for Quantitative Characterization of the Human Retinotopic Map based on the Quasiconformal Mapping, STAR Protocols, 2023
  16. Tang H, Guo L, Fu X, Wang Y, Mackin S, Ajilore O, Leow AD, Thompson PM, Huang H, Zhan L, Signed Graph Representation Learning for Functional-to-Structural Brain Network Mapping, Medical Image Analysis, 2022
  17. Wu J, Su Y, Zhu W, Jalili Mallak N, Lepore N, Reiman EM, Caselli RJ, Thompson PM, Chen K, Wang Y, ADNI Group, Improved Prediction of Beta-Amyloid and Tau Burden Using Hippocampal Surface Multivariate Morphometry Statistics and Sparse Coding, Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease, 2022
  18. Tu Y*, Li X*, Lu Z-L, Wang YProtocol for Topology-Preserving Smoothing of BOLD fMRI Retinotopic Maps of the Human Visual Cortex, STAR Protocols, 2022 
  19. Tang H, Guo L, Fu X, Qu B, Ajilore O, Wang Y, Thompson PM, Huang H, Leow A, Zhan L, A Hierarchical Graph Learning Model for Brain Network Regression Analysis, Frontiers in Neuroscience, section Brain Imaging Methods, 2022
  20. Dumitrascu OM, Wang Y, Chen J, Clinical Deep Learning Modeling Studies: Methodology and Data Reporting, Journal of Neuro-Ophthalmology, 2022
  21. Tu Y, Li X, Lu Z-L, Wang YDiffeomorphic Registration for Retinotopic Maps of Multiple Visual Regions, Brain Structure and Function, 2022 
  22. Li S, An N, Chen N, Wang Y, Yang L, Wang Y, Yao Z, Hu B, ADNI GroupThe Impact of Alzheimer’s Disease Susceptibility Loci on Lateral Ventricular Surface Morphology in Older Adults, Brain Struct Func. 2022
  23. Marinescu RV, Oxtoby NP, Young AL, Bron EE, Toga AW, Weiner MW, Barkhof F, Fox NC. and Eshaghi A, Toni T, Salaterski M, Lunina V, Ansart M, Durrleman S, Lu P, Iddi S, Li D, Thompson WK, Donohue MC, Nahon A, Levy Y, Halbersberg D, Cohen M, Liao H, Li T, Yu K, Zhu H, Tamez-Peña JG, Ismail A, Wood T, Bravo HC, Nguyen M, Sun N, Feng J, Yeo B.T. T, Chen G, Qi K, Chen S, Qiu D, Buciuman I, Kelner A, Pop R, Rimocea D, Ghazi MM, Nielsen M, Ourselin S, Sørensen L, Venkatraghavan V, Liu K, Rabe C, Manser P, Hill SM, Howlett J, Huang Z, Kiddle S, Mukherjee S, Rouanet A, Taschler B, Tom BDM, White SR, Faux N, Sedai S, de Velasco Oriol J, Clemente EEV, Estrada K, Aksman L, Altmann A, Stonnington CM, Wang Y, Wu J, Devadas V, Fourrier C, Raket LL, Sotiras A, Erus G, Doshi J, Davatzikos C, Vogel J, Doyle A, Tam A, Diaz-Papkovich A, Jammeh E, Koval I, Moore P, Lyons TJ, Gallacher J, Tohka J, Ciszek R, Jedynak B, Pandya K, Bilgel M, Engels W, Cole J, Golland P, Klein S, Alexander DC, The EuroPOND Consortium, ADNI GroupThe Alzheimer’s Disease Prediction Of Longitudinal Evolution (TADPOLE) Challenge: Results after 1 Year Follow-up, Machine Learning for Biomedical Imaging, 2021
  24. Wu J, Chen Y, Wang P, Caselli RJ, Thompson PM, Wang J*, Wang, Y*, ADNI GroupIntegrating Transcriptomics, Genomics, and Imaging in Alzheimer’s Disease: A Federated Model, Frontiers in Radiology, section Artificial Intelligence in Radiology, 2021
  25. Wang, G, Zhou W, Kong D, Qu Z, Ba M, Hao J, Yao T, Dong Q, Su Y, Reiman EM,  Caselli RJ, Chen K, Wang Y, ADNI GroupStudying APOE-e4 Allele Dose Effects with a Univariate Morphometry Biomarker, Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease, 2021
  26. Wu J, Dong Q, Zhang J, Su Y, Wu T, Caselli RJ, Reiman EM, Ye J, Lepore N, Chen K, Thompson PM, Wang, Y, ADNI GroupFederated Morphometry Feature Selection for Hippocampal Morphometry Associated Beta-Amloid and Tau Pathology, Frontiers in Neuroscience, section Brain Imaging Methods, 2021                               
  27. Lao Y, Cao M, Yang Y, Kishan AU, Yang W, Wang Y, Sheng KBladder surface dose modeling in prostate cancer radiotherapy: an analysis of motion-induced variations and the cumulative dose across the treatment. Medical Physics, 2021, In Press                               
  28. Ta D, Tu Y, Lu Z-L, Wang YQuantitative Characterization of the Human Retinotopic Map Based on Quasiconformal Mapping, Medical Image Analysis, 2021, In Press.                               
  29. Wu J, Dong Q, Gui J, Zhang J, Su Y, Chen K, Thompson PM, Caselli RJ, Reiman EM, Ye J, Wang Y, ADNI GroupPredicting Brain Amyloid using Multivariate Morphometry Statistics, Sparse Coding, and Correntropy: Validation in 1,101 Individuals from the ADNI and OASIS Databases, Frontiers in Neuroscience, section Brain Imaging Methods, 2021, In Press.                               
  30. Tu Y, Ta D, Lu Z-L, Wang YTopology-Preserving Smoothing of Retinotopic Maps, PLOS Computational Biology, 2021, In Press.                               
  31. Fan Y, Wang G, Dong Q, Liu Y, Lepore N, Wang Y, ADNI GroupTetrahedral Spectral Feature-Based Bayesian Manifold Learning for Grey Matter Morphometry: Findings from the Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroimaging Initiative. Medical Image Analysis, 2021, In Press.                               
  32. Zhang J., Wu J,  Li Q, Caselli RJ, Thompson PM, Ye J, Wang Y, ADNI GroupMulti-Resemblance MultiTarget Low-Rank Coding for Prediction of Cognitive Decline with Longitudinal Brain Images. IEEE Trans Med Imaging, 2021, In Press                               
  33. Zhang W, Braden BB, Miranda G, Shu K, Wang S, Liu H, Wang YIntegrating Multimodal and Longitudinal Neuroimaging Data with Multi-Source Network Representation Learning, Neuroinformatics, 2021, In Press                               
  34. Zhang J, Dong Q, Shi J, Li Q, Stonnington CM, Gutman BA, Chen K, Reiman EM, Caselli RJ, Thompson PM, Ye J, Wang Y, ADNI GroupPredicting Future Cognitive Decline with Hyperbolic Stochastic Coding, Medical Image Analysis, 2021, In Press.                               
  35. Stonnington CM, Wu J, Zhang J, Shi J, Bauer III RJ, Devadas V, Su Y, Locke DEC, Reiman EM, Caselli RJ, Chen K, Wang Y, ADNI GroupImproved prediction of imminent progression to clinically significant memory decline using surface multivariate morphometry statistics and sparse coding, Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease, 2021, In Press                                
  36. Wang G, Dong Q, Wu J, Su Y, Chen K, Su Q, Zhang X, Hao J, Yao T, Liu L, Zhang C, Caselli RJ, Reiman EM, Wang Y, ADNI GroupDeveloping Univariate Neurodegeneration Biomarkers with Low-Rank and Sparse Subspace Decomposition, Medical Image Analysis, 2021, 67:101877                               
  37. Gajawelli N, Deoni S, Shi J, Dirks H, Linguraru M, Nelson MD, Rajagopalan V, Wang Y, LeporeNeurocranium thickness mapping in early childhood, Scientific Reports, 2020, 10, 16651                               
  38. Dong Q*, Zhang W*, Stonnington CM, Wu J, Gutman BA, Chen K, Su Y, Baxter LC, Thompson PM, Reiman EM, Caselli RJ, Wang Y, ADNI GroupApplying Surface-Based Morphometry to Study Ventricular Abnormalities of Cognitively Unimpaired Subjects Prior to Clinically Significant Memory Decline, NeuroImage: Clinical, 2020, 27:102338                               
  39. Fu Y, Zhang J, Li Y, Shi J, Zou Y, Guo H, Li Y, Yao Z, Wang Y, Hu BA novel pipeline leveraging surface-based features of small subcortical structures to classify individuals with autism spectrum disorder, Progress in Neuropsychopharmacology & Biological Psychiatry, 2020, 104:109989                               
  40. Kuang L, Jia J, Zhao D, Xiong F, Han X, Wang Y, ADNI GroupDefault Mode Network Analysis of APOE Genotype in Cognitively Unimpaired Subjects Based on Persistent Homology, Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience, 2020, 12:188                               
  41. Dong Q*, Zhang J*, Li Q, Wang J, Lepore N, Thompson PM, Caselli RJ, Ye J, Wang Y, ADNI GroupIntegrating Convolutional Neural Networks and Multi-Task Dictionary Learning for Cognitive Decline Prediction with Longitudinal Images, Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease, 2020, 75(3), pp. 971-992                               
  42. Tu Y*, Mi L*, Zhang W, Zhang H, Zhang J, Fan Y, Goradia D, Chen K, Caselli RJ, Reiman EM, Gu X, Wang Y, ADNI GroupComputing Univariate Neurodegenerative Biomarkers with Volumetric Optimal Transportation: A Pilot Study, Neuroinformatics, 2020, 18(4), pp. 531-548                               
  43. Dong Q*, Zhang W*, Wu J, Li B, Schron EH, McMahon T, Shi J, Gutman BA, Chen K, Baxter LC, Thompson PM, Reiman EM, Caselli RJ, Wang Y, “Applying Surface-Based Hippocampal Morphometry to Study APOE-e4 Allele Dose Effects in Cognitively Unimpaired Subjects“, NeuroImage: Clinical, 2019, 22:101744                               
  44. Shi J, Wang Y, ADNI Group, “Hyperbolic Wasserstein Distance for Shape Indexing“, IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 2020, 42(6): 1362-1376.                               
  45. Lao Y, David J, Torosian A, Placencio V, Wang Y, Yang W, Tuli R, “Combined morphologic and metabolic pipeline for Positron emission tomography / computed tomography based radiotherapy response evaluation in locally advanced pancreatic adenocarcinoma“, Physics & Imaging in Radiation Oncology, 2018                               
  46. Yao Z, Fu Y, Wu J, Zhang W, Yu Y, Zhang Z, Wu X, Wang Y, Hu B, “Morphological changes in subregions of hippocampus and amygdala in major depressive disorder patients“, Brain Imaging and Behavior, 2020, 14(3):653-667                               
  47. Lao Y, David J, Mirhadi A, Lepore N, Sandler H, Wang Y, Tuli R, Yang W, “Discriminating Lung Adenocarcinoma from Lung Squamous cell carcinoma using respiration induced tumor shape changes“, Physics in Medicine and Biology, 2018                               
  48. Kuang L, Han X, Chen K, Caselli RJ, Reiman EM, Wang Y, ADNI Group, “A Concise and Persistent Feature to Study Brain Resting-State Network Dynamics: Findings from the Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroimaging Initiative“, Human Brain Mapping, 2018, 40(4):1062-1081                               
  49. Huang C, Thompson PM, Wang Y, Yu Y, Zhang J, Kong D, Colen RR,, Knickmeyer RC, Zhu H, ADNI Group, FGWAS: Functional GenomeWide Association Analysis, NeuroImage, 159, 2017, pp. 107-121                               
  50. Paquette N*, Shi J*, Wang Y, Lao Y, Ceschin R, Nelson MD, Panigrah A, Leporé N, Ventricular Shape and Relative Position Abnormalities in Preterm Neonates, NeuroImage: Clinical,15, 2017, pp. 483-493                               
  51. Tsao S, Niharika G, Zhou J, Shi J, Ye J, Wang Y, Leporé N, ADNI GroupFeature Selective Temporal Prediction of Alzheimer’s Disease Progression using Hippocampus Surface Morphometry, Brain and Behavior, 7(7), 2017, e00733                               
  52. Lao Y, Dion L-A, Gilbert G, Bouchard M, Rocha G, Wang Y, Leporé NMapping the basal ganglia alterations in children chronically exposed to manganese, Scientific Reports, 7, 2017, pp. 41804.                               
  53. Lao Y, Nguyen B, Tsao S, Gajawelli N, Law M, Chui H, Weiner M, Wang Y, Leporé NA T1 and DTI fused 3D Corpus Callosum Analysis in MCI Subjects with High and Low Cardiovascular Risk Profile, NeuroImage: Clinical, 14, 2017, pp. 298-307.                               
  54. Wang G, Wang Y, ADNI groupTowards a Holistic Cortical Thickness Descriptor: Heat Kernel-Based Grey Matter Morphology Signatures, NeuroImage, 147, Feb. 2017, pp. 360-380.                               
  55. Shi J, Zhang W, Tang M, Caselli RJ, Wang Y, ADNI GroupConformal Invariants for Multiply Connected Surfaces: Application to Landmark Curve-Based Brain Morphometry Analysis, Medical Image Analysis, 35, Jan. 2017, pp. 517-529.                               
  56. Shi R, Zeng W, Su Z, Jiang J, Damasio H, Lu Z, Wang Y, Yau, S-T, Gu XHyperbolic Harmonic Mapping for Surface Registration, IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 39(5), 2017, pp. 965-980.                               
  57. Li B, Shi J, Gutman BA, Baxter LC, Thompson PM, Caselli RJ, Wang Y, ADNI GroupInfluence of APOE Genotype on Hippocampal Atrophy over Time – An N=1925 Surface-based ADNI Study, PLOS ONE 11(4), e0152901, 2016.                               
  58. Thompson PM, Andreassen OA, Arias-Vasquez A, Bearden CE, Boedhoe PS, Brouwer RM, Buckner RL, Buitelaar JK, Bulaeva KB, Cannon DM, Cohen RA, Conrod PJ, Dale AM, Deary IJ, Dennis EL, de Reus MA, Desrivieres S, Dima D, Donohoe G, Fisher SE, Fouche JP, Francks C, Frangou S, Franke B, Ganjgahi H, Garavan H, Glahn DC, Grabe HJ, Guadalupe T, Gutman BA, Hashimoto R, Hibar DP, Holland D, Hoogman M, Pol HE, Hosten N, Jahanshad N, Kelly S, Kochunov P, Kremen WS, Lee PH, Mackey S, Martin NG, Mazoyer B, McDonald C, Medland SE, Morey RA, Nichols TE, Paus T, Pausova Z, Schmaal L, Schumann G, Shen L, Sisodiya SM, Smit DJ, Smoller JW, Stein DJ, Stein JL, Toro R, Turner JA, van den Heuvel M, van den Heuvel OA, van Erp TG, van Rooij D, Veltman DJ, Walter H, Wang Y, Wardlaw JM, Whelan CD, Wright MJ, Ye J, ENIGMA ConsortiumENIGMA and the Individual: Predicting Factors that Affect the Brain in 35 Countries Worldwide , NeuroImage, 145, Part B, Jan. 2017 pp. 389-408.                               
  59. Lee E, Zhu H, Kong D, Wang Y, Giovanello KS, Ibrahim JG, ADNI GroupA Bayesian Functional Linear Cox Regression Model (BFLCRM) for Predicting Time to Conversion to Alzheimer’s Disease, Annals of Applied Statistics, 9(4), 2015, pp. 2153-2178.                               
  60. Zhan L, Liu Y, Wang Y, Jahanshad N, Ye J, Thompson PM, ADNI GroupBoosting Brain Connectome Classification Accuracy in Alzheimer’s disease using Higher-Order Singular Value Decomposition, Frontiers in Neuroscience, section Brain Imaging Methods, 9:257, Jul 2015.                               
  61. Kong D, Giovanello KS, Wang Y, Lin W, Lee E, Fan Y, Doraiswamy PM, Zhu H, ADNI GroupPredicting Alzheimer’s disease using combined imaging-whole genome SNP data , Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease, 46(3), Jun 2015, pp. 695-702                               
  62. Zhan L*, Zhou J*, Wang Y, Jin Y, Jahanshad N, Prasad G, Nir TM, Leonardo C, Ye J, Thompson PM, ADNI GroupComparison of Nine Tractography Algorithms for Detecting Abnormal Structural Brain Networks in Alzheimer’s Disease, Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience, 7:48, Mar. 2015.                               
  63. Joshi SH, Espinoza RT, Pirnia T, Shi J, Wang Y, Ayers B, Leaver A, Woods RP, Narr KLStructural plasticity of the hippocampus and amygdala induced by electroconvulsive therapy in major depression, Biological Psychiatry, 79(4), Feb. 2016, pp. 282-292                               
  64. Su Z, Wang Y, Shi R, Zeng W, Sun J, Luo F, Gu XOptimal Mass Transport for Shape Matching and Comparison , IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 37(11), Nov. 2015, pp. 2246-2259                               
  65. Wang G, Zhang X, Su Q, Shi J, Caselli RJ, Wang Y, ADNI GroupA Novel Cortical Thickness Estimation Method based on Volumetric Laplace-Beltrami Operator and Heat Kernel, Medical Image Analysis, 22(1), Feb. 2015, pp. 1-20.                               
  66. Shi J, Collignon O, Xu L, Wang G, Kang Y, Leporé F, Lao Y, Joshi AA, Leporé N*, Wang Y*Impact of Early and Late Visual Deprivation on the Structure of the Corpus Callosum: A Study Combining Thickness Profile with Surface Tensor-based Morphometry, Neuroinformatics, 13(3), 2015, pp. 321-336 (* equal senior authors)                               
  67. Lao Y, Wang Y, Shi J, Ceschin R, Nelson MD, Panigrahy A, Leporé N Thalamic Alterations in Preterm Neonates and Its Relation to Ventral Striatum Disturbances Revealed by a Combined Shape and Pose Analysis, Brain Structure and Function, 221(1), 2016, pp. 487-506                               
  68. Shi J, Stonnington CM, Thompson PM, Chen K, Gutman BA, Reschke C, Baxter LC, Reiman EM, Caselli RJ, Wang Y, ADNI GroupStudying Ventricular Abnormalities in Mild Cognitive Impairment with Hyperbolic Ricci Flow and Tensor-based Morphometry, NeuroImage, 104(1), Jan. 2015, pp. 1-20.                               
  69. Gutman BA, Wang Y, Yanovsky I, Hua X, Toga AW, Jack CR Jr, Weiner MW, Thompson PM, ADNI GroupEmpowering imaging biomarkers of Alzheimer’s disease, Neurobiology of Aging, 36, Jan. 2015, pp. S69-80.                               
  70. Shi J, Leporé N, Gutman B, Thompson PM, Baxter LC, Caselli RJ, Wang Y, ADNI GroupGenetic Influence of APOE4 Genotype on Hippocampal Morphometry ‒ An N=725 Surface-based Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroimaging Inituative Study, Human Brain Mapping, 35(8), Aug. 2014, pp. 3903-3918.                               
  71. Dubey R, Zhou J, Wang Y, Thompson PM, Ye J, ADNI GroupAnalysis of Sampling Techniques for Imbalanced Data: An N=648 ADNI Study, NeuroImage, 87, Feb. 2014, pp. 220-241.                               
  72. Xiang S, Yuan L, Fan W, Wang Y, Thompson PM, Ye J, ADNI GroupBi-Level Multi-Source Learning for Heterogeneous Block-Wise Missing Data, NeuroImage, 102, Part 1, Nov. 2014, pp. 192-206.                               
  73. Shi J, Wang Y, Ceschin R, An X, Lao Y, Vanderbilt D, Nelson MD, Thompson PM, Panigrahy A, Leporé NA Multivariate Surface-based Analysis of the Putamen in Premature Newborns: Regional Differences within the Ventral Striatum. PLoS ONE, 2013, 8(7), e66736.                               
  74. Shi J, Thompson PM, Gutman B, Wang Y, ADNI GroupSurface Fluid Registration of Conformal Representation: Application to Detect Disease Burden and Genetic Influence on Hippocampus, NeuroImage, 78, Sep. 2013, pp. 111-134.                               
  75. Wang Y, Yuan L, Shi J, Greve A, Ye J, Toga AW, Reiss AL, Thompson PMApplying Tensor-based Morphometry to Parametric Surfaces can Improve MRI-based Disease Diagnosis, NeuroImage, 74, July 2013, pp. 209-230.                               
  76. Colom R, Stein, J, Rajagopalan L, Martínez K, Hermel D, Wang Y, Álvarez-Linera J, Burgaleta M, Quiroga MA, Shih PCh, Thompson PMHippocampal structure and human cognition: key role of spatial processing and evidence supporting the efficiency hypothesis in females, Intelligence, 41(2), Mar-Apr, 2013, pp. 129-140.                               
  77. Gutman B, Hua X, Rajagopalan P, Chou Y, Wang Y, Yanovsky I, Toga AW, Jack Jr CR, Weiner MW, Thompson PM, ADNI GroupMaximizing Power to Track Alzheimer’s Disease and MCI Progression by LDA-Based Weighting of Longitudinal Ventricular Surface Features, NeuroImage, 70, April, 2013, pp. 386-401.                               
  78. Monje M, Thomason ME, Rigolo L, Wang Y, Waber DP, Sallan SE, Golby AJFunctional and structural differences in the hippocampus associated with memory deficits in adult survivors of acute lymphoblastic leukemia, Pediatric Blood Cancer, 60(2), 2013, pp. 293-300.                               
  79. Zeng W, Shi R, Wang Y, Yau S-T, Gu X, ADNI GroupTeichmüller Shape Descriptor and Its Application to Alzheimer’s Disease Study, International Journal of Computer Vision, 105(2), 2013, pp. 155-170.                               
  80. Luders E, Thompson PM, Kurth F, Hong J-Y, Phillips OR, Wang Y, Gutman BA, Chou Y-Y, Narr KL, Toga AW“Global and regional alterations of hippocampal anatomy in long-term meditation practitioners”, Human Brain Mapping, 34(12), Dec. 2013, pp. 3369-3375.                               
  81. Yuan L, Wang Y, Thompson PM, Narayan VA, Ye J, ADNI GroupMulti-Source Feature Learning for Joint Analysis of Incomplete Multiple Heterogeneous Neuroimaging Data, NeuroImage, 61(3), July 2012,pp. 622-632.                               
  82. Wang Y, Shi J, Yin X, Gu X, Chan TF, Yau S.-T., Toga AW, Thompson PMBrain Surface Conformal Parameterizaiton with the Ricci flow, IEEE Transaction on Medical Imaging, Vol 31, No. 2, Feb. 2012, pp. 251-264.                               
  83. Wang Y, Song Y, Rajagopalan P, An T, Liu K, Chou Y, Gutman B, Toga AW, Thompson PM, ADNI GroupSurface-based TBM Boosts Power to Detect Disease Effects on the Brain: An N=804 ADNI Study, NeuroImage, 56(4), June 2011, pp. 1993-2010                               
  84. Wang Y, Zhang J, Gutman B, Chan TF, Becker JT, Aizenstein HJ, Lopez OL, Tamburo RJ, Toga AW, Thompson PMMultivariate Tensor-based Morphometry on Surfaces: Application to Mapping Ventricular Abnormalities in HIV/AIDS, NeuroImage, 49(3), February 2010, pp. 2141-2157                               
  85. Lui LM, Thiruvenkadam S, Wang Y, Thompson PM, Chan TFOptimized Conformal Surface Registration with Shape-based Landmark Matching, SIAM J. Imaging Sci. 3(1), 2010, pp. 52-78                               
  86. Gutman B, Wang Y, Morra J, Thompson PM, Toga AWDisease Classification with Hippocampal Shape Invariants, Hippocampus 19, 2009, pp. 572-578                               
  87. Lui LM, Kwan J, Wang Y, Yau S-T, Computation of Curvatures using Conformal Parameterization, Communications in Information and Systems, 8(1), 2008, pp. 1-16                               
  88. Wang Y, Lui LM, Gu X, Hayashi KM, Chan TF, Toga AW, Thompson PM and Yau S-T, Brain Surface Conformal Parameterization using Riemann Surface Structure, IEEE Transaction on Medical Imaging, Vol. 26, No. 6, June 2007, pp. 853-865                               
  89. Lui LM, Wang Y, Chan TF, and Thompson PM, “Brain Anatomical Feature Detection by Solving Partial Differential Equations on General Manifolds“, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems B, 7(3), May 2007, pp. 605- 618                               
  90. Lui LM, Wang Y, Chan TF and Thompson PM,  Landmark Constrained Genus Zero Surface Conformal Mapping and Its Application to Brain Mapping Research“, Applied Numerical Mathematics, Vol. 5, 2007, pp. 847-858                               
  91. Wang Y, Phillips IT, Haralick RM“Document Zone Content Classification and Its Performance Evaluation”, Pattern Recognition, 39(1), Jan. 2006, pp. 57-73                               
  92. Wang Y, Gu X, Yau S-T, “Surface Segmentation using Global Conformal Structure“, Communications in Information and Systems, 4(2), 2005, pp. 165-180                               
  93. Jin M, Wang Y, Gu X, Yau S-T, “ Optimal Global Conformal Surface Parameterization for Visualization“, Communications in Information and Systems, 4(2), 2005, pp. 117-134                               
  94. Gu X, Wang Y, Chan TF, Thompson PM and Yau S-T, “ Genus Zero Surface Conformal Mapping and Its Application to Brain Surface Mapping“, IEEE Transaction on Medical Imaging, 23(8), Aug. 2004, pp. 949-958                               
  95. Thompson PM, Hayashi KM, Sowell ER, Gogtay N, Giedd JN, Rapoport JL, Zubicaray G de, Janke AL, Rose SE, Semple J, Doddrell DM, Wang Y, Erp TGM van, Cannon, TD and Toga AW, “ Mapping cortical change in Alzheimer’s disease, brain development, and schizophrenia“, NeuroImage, 23, September 2004, pp. S2-S18                               
  96. Wang Y, Phillips IT and Haralick RM, “Table Structure Understanding and Its Performance Evaluation“, Pattern Recognition, 37(7), Jul. 2004, pp. 1479-1497                               
  97. Wang Y, Gu X and Yau S-T, “ Volumetric Harmonic Map“, Communications in Information and Systems, 3(3), 2004, pp. 191-202                               
  98. Gu X, Wang Y and Yau S-T, “Computing Conformal Invariants: Period Matrices“, Communications in Information and Systems, 3(3), 2004, pp. 153-170.                               
  99. Gu X, Wang Y and Yau S-T, “Geometric Compression Using Riemann Surface Structure“, Communications in Information and Systems, 3(3), 2004, pp. 171-182                               
  100. Gu X, Wang Y and Yau S-T, “Multiresolution Computation of Conformal Structures of Surfaces“, Journal of Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics, 1(5), 2004, pp. 45-50                               
  101. Wang Y, Tang L and Liu Z, “A Heuristic Method to Recognize Dimension sets in Architectural Engineering Drawings”, Journal of Computer Science and Technology, Vol. 13, suppl. Issue; pp. 94-100, Dec. 1998