Multi-Resemblance Multi-Target Low-Rank Coding for Prediction of Cognitive Decline with Longitudinal Brain Images
Jie Zhang, Jianfeng Wu, Qingyang Li, Richard J. Caselli, Paul M. Thompson, Jieping Ye Fellow, IEEE,Yalin Wang Senior Member, IEEE, and The Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroimaging Initiative
An effective presymptomatic diagnosis and treatment of Alzheimer’s disease (AD) would have enormous public health benefits. Sparse coding (SC) has shown strong potential for longitudinal brain image analysis in preclinical AD research. However, the traditional SC computation is time-consuming and does not explore the feature correlations that are consistent over the time. In addition, longitudinal brain image cohorts usually contain incomplete image data and clinical labels. To address these challenges, we propose a novel two-stage Multi-Resemblance Multi-Target Low-Rank Coding (MMLC) method, which encourages that sparse codes of neighboring longitudinal time points are resemblant to each other, favors sparse code low-rankness to reduce the computational cost and is resilient to both source and target data incompleteness. In stage one, we propose an online multi-resemblant low-rank SC method to utilize the common and task-specific dictionaries in different time points to immune to incomplete source data and capture the longitudinal correlation. In stage two, supported by a rigorous theoretical analysis, we develop a multi-target learning method to address the missing clinical label issue. To solve such a multi-task low-rank sparse optimization problem, we propose multi-task stochastic coordinate coding with a sequence of closed-form update steps which reduces the computational costs guaranteed by a theoretical convergence proof. We apply MMLC on a publicly available neuroimaging cohort to predict two clinical measures and compare it with six other methods. Our experimental results show our proposed method achieves superior results on both computational efficiency and predictive accuracy and has great potential to assist the AD prevention.