Jie Zhang’s MICCAI Paper Got Accepted, Congratulations!

Jie Zhang, Yalin Wang

We continually model the AD progression in time sequence via a proposed novel Deep Multi-order Preserving Weight Consolidation (DMopWC) to simultaneously 1) discover the inter and inner relations among different cognitive measures at different time points and utilize such relations to enhance the learning of associations between imaging features and clinical scores; 2) continually learn new longitudinal patients; images to overcome forgetting the previously learned knowledge without access to the old data. Moreover, inspired by recent breakthroughs of Recurrent Neural Network, we consider time-order knowledge to further reinforce the statistical power of DMopWC and ensure features at a particular time will be temporally ahead of the features at its subsequential times.

Image of Jie Zhang's MICCAI Paper,
We continually model the AD progression in time sequence via a proposed novel Deep Multi-order Preserving Weight Consolidation (DMopWC) to simultaneously